We make websites

Easy and fun

Bon IT takes care of all technical intricacies of building a website so you can focus on telling your story. Our streamlined website creation processes enable you to launch your website quickly with minimal effort and no technical knowledge required. Bon IT offers a full range of web development services to support you with all creative and technical aspects of your website in case you need extra help or special features.

Cost effective

Bon IT aims to deliver top quality websites at the best possible price. Our concept keeps the cost of building a website to a minimum by enabling you to do the non-technical work by yourself, guided by our detailed instruction manual. Bon IT provides hosting plans optimized for any given type of website, with enough capacity to ensure consistent speed and performance in the long run. You are always free to host your website elsewhere.

Low maintenance

Bon IT builds business card websites and corporate websites that you can leave running for years without the constant need for maintenance or updates. Frequent updates are inevitable for e-commerce websites in order to maintain the highest level of security, but Bon IT’s infrastructure is heavily optimized to make updates to your online store as automatic and worry-free as you can possibly imagine.

Secure by design

Bon IT’s business card websites and corporate websites are hosted as a collection of static files, making them practically unhackable. Our e-commerce websites come equipped with a range of security features and optimized configuration to keep bots and hackers safely outside. Our distributed back-ups, compartmentalized architecture and thoroughly tested restoration procedures maximize your website resilience against any attack.

What we offer

best deal

Business card website

$ 500

+ $ 0 per month


Super fast hosting

SSL certificate

Responsive layout



Sell online


Content management


Kickstart your online presence

A single page business card website is an excellent choice for freelancers, local businesses, start-up companies and deskless companies who just want to create their initial online presence. It is an ideal solution if your business activities do not revolve around the internet per se, but you do want more people to discover your business via the internet.

The best deal

A business card website is a one-time investment with no cost of operation. Once online, there is no need to spend any time looking after your website. You can rest assured that it will keep running with zero maintenance. This enables you to focus on your actual work without any distractions from your website, but only the benefits.

Getting started

Assuming that you already have a domain name and all texts, images and videos are prepared, your website can be online the next day. After completing your purchase you will receive access to a personal Google Drive folder where you can replace the example website content with your own, guided by a detailed instruction manual. When you are ready, we will create a draft version of your website and send it over with suggestions for improvement. Based on your final changes, we will create the final version of your website and put it online. Just connect your domain name to your website according to the instructions in the manual - or ask Bon IT - and you are online!


Corporate website

$ 1000

+ $ 0 per month


Super fast hosting

SSL certificate

Responsive layout



Content management


Sell online

Next level online presence

A corporate website is the perfect choice for medium to large size companies, agencies, experienced freelancers and content creators who want to take their online presence to the next level. Actively engage with your audience and gain online authority by publishing dynamic content like blog posts or portfolio projects on a regular basis.

Better than WordPress

WordPress is overkill for most websites with dynamic content like blog posts, portfolio projects and events. If your website does not require extensive e-commerce functionality, Hugo is the better choice. It is cheaper to run than WordPress. Bon IT offers corporate websites with free hosting, whereas hosting WordPress at decent speed costs a few hundred bucks per year. Say farewell to paid plugins, constantly updating your plugins and theme, operational overhead and the well-known vulnerabilities of WordPress. Venture through cyberspace at the speed of light by choosing Bon IT’s corporate website solution based on Hugo today!

Getting started

Your corporate website can be online in a matter of days. The most time consuming part of the building process is writing the text for all webpages. Your copywriting effort for a website with three initial blog posts can easily amount to an equivalent of ten A4 documents. The required effort is multiplied by the number of languages used on your website. Bon IT offers supplementary copywriting and translation services to help you speed things up. Beyond the production of your website’s content, launching your corporate website follows the same seven simple steps as the business card website. Get started by purchasing a corporate website. Next, Bon IT will create a draft version of your corporate website for review and a final version based on your changes. Connect your domain name to your website and you are online!


E-commerce website

$ 2000

+ $ 50 per month


Super fast hosting

SSL certificate

Responsive layout

Optimized security

Sell online

Content management



Start selling online

Bon IT offers e-commerce websites using Shopify and WordPress. For e-commerce at scale we recommend Sylius, because of its customizability, scalability and quality. Running a successful e-commerce website takes significantly more effort than running a blog. A product catalog has many more dimensions to manage than a blog. In addition, you will have to manage promotions, inventory, orders, payments, shipments and returns. Also be sure to allocate an advertising budget to drive traffic and sales.

Shopify or WordPress website

Shopify and WordPress have different advantages and disadvantages. WordPress offers more flexibility around checkout, while Shopify offers optimized cloud hosting out of the box. Shopify is easier to use for beginners, while WordPress has a lower cost of operation. The choice is yours. The key to success with either option is choosing the right theme for your website. The cost of the theme is not included in the package price, but Bon IT will guide you through the decision process. Bon IT offers hosting for WordPress in the Amazon cloud that will always be fast or configure the hosting of your Shopify store on their platform, but you are also free to manage it yourself. Next, Bon IT will install your theme and recommended plugins. Paid plugins are not included in the package, while they may be required for some features, like supporting multiple languages. Bon IT will also teach you the most efficient ways to use the respective content management systems. This will enable you to manage the content of regular pages of your website as well as all e-commerce components by yourself. Finally, Bon IT will guide you through the setup of a payment service provider and you will be all set to make your first online sale!

Sylius for enterprise

For enterprise e-commerce solutions you can consider a Shopify Plus subscription for $2000 per month, but Bon IT recommends the power and flexibility of Sylius. The initial investment for a Sylius website would be larger, but we believe it is well worth the savings on operational costs in the long run. Please, get in touch if you would like to know more about Bon IT’s Sylius offering.

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